The Walk

Mai Mislang
Jan 1, 2024
Photo by Yasin Arıbuğa on Unsplash

I remember today

Every day

Our slow walk to oblivion

That brief weightless trek

From our bed

To my car

My fingers making their way into yours

As we bravely braced ourselves

For the crossroads about to meet

Newly forged paths

When you and I became one

And for each other


Time was against us

But time has no power

Over our soldered bond

Made stronger

With each step towards the edge

And into my imagined

Abyss of absence

For as we breathe

As we inhabit each other’s lives

From a distance

Without words

Only thoughts

We are walking together

With each the other one’s shadow


To become each other



Mai Mislang

Former presidential speechwriter, still a musician; owns a bakery, loves her dog. Tries to write more prose than poetry. Filipina from Manila.