Our Dogs Deserve Only The Best Dog Food

Mai Mislang
14 min readAug 15, 2023

And they don’t come in a can

Homemade dog food using this recipe

One morning, while walking my dog Billy, we ran into one of his favorite neighbors - a friendly dog and plant lover we shall call Bob. Bob can often be found in the mornings outside of his house gardening, and whenever Billy sees him, he is ecstatic, always hurriedly pulling the leash so he could say hello. When they finally met on this day, Billy shamelessly lay supine begging Bob for a rub. He was all smiles, which prompted Bob to comment on his teeth.

“Seems like you brush his teeth often,” Bob said.

“Actually no. He doesn’t even have a toothbrush. I just give him bones and well, he eats healthy,” I replied.

Seemingly amused, Bob probed deeper: “What type of dog food do you give him?”

“I don’t feed him commercial dog food, if that’s what you mean. Everything Billy eats is homemade. My helper and I prepare a month’s worth of dog food for him.”

That sparked a longer-than-usual chat, with Bob asking for handwritten tips as we parted ways, which then prompted this piece. I figured that perhaps Bob, other paw parents or you, if you already have a dog or are considering getting one, could benefit from learning about dog food alternatives, especially if pet health, dental or worse, is becoming an issue.



Mai Mislang

Former presidential speechwriter, still a musician; owns a bakery, loves her dog. Tries to write more prose than poetry. Filipina from Manila.